Concho Valley Homeless planning Coalition
Project ID provides assistance with obtaining state id’s or birth certificates. Without an ID it is not possible to find employment, and children are required to have birth certificates to enroll in school. Project ID is a resource for individuals that are homeless or on the verge of being homeless. A referral letter from a case worker, shelter, MHMR, or other community organization that provides resources is required.
The Project ID program is available on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM. Project ID is located at:
Galilee Community Development
39 Buick St.
San Angelo, TX 76903
Please call 325-655-6700 for information
The Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition is always looking for organizations in the community that are able to provide resources. Resources can include permanent or temporary shelter/housing, meals/food, any other supportive services. Click the link below for the Membership Agreement.
Membership agreement
The purpose and function of the Concho Valley Homeless Planning Coalition shall be: charitable, supportive and educational especially for the provisions of service to homeless individuals and the implementation and carrying out the provisions and intentions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, as it may be from time to time amended.
To work with the three significant groups in the community, that is, the homeless, the public and the private sector, to seek out, identify and help eliminate the causes of homelessness within the Concho Valley.
To make the communities of the Concho Valley more responsive to the needs and interests of the homeless population by mobilizing all available resources to bring about a greater institutional sensitivity to the needs of the homeless and help meet those needs.
“Working together to more effectively help people experiencing homelessness become self-sufficient in San Angelo”